News from Council Meeting - 25 May 2020

Published on 25 May 2020


Update on financial impact of COVID-19

The City of Hobart is forecasting an underlying deficit for the 2019-20 financial year of $9.53 million, and a predicted deficit of $12 million at the end of 2020-21.

Updated financial modelling was presented to this evening’s Council Meeting and outlined a difficult year ahead for the City.

The report included a revised capital works schedule for the upcoming financial year, which focuses on looking after existing assets through renewal and upgrades, rather than building new assets.

Borrowings of up to $30 million are anticipated and cuts to expenditure will be made across the organisation.


Support initiatives taken up

Fifty-three ratepayers have so far applied for rates relief under the City’s recently amended Financial Hardship Policy, with a further 304 seeking a postponement for their rates payment to 30 June.

The rates assistance is part of a community support package previously adopted by the Council and which includes the waiving of penalties and interest on outstanding rates until 30 June.

The City has so far committed to provide rent relief worth $117,000 to tenants of City-owned buildings.

A total of $332,000 in grants has been made available to local organisations, businesses and creative industries to assist in their response to the pandemic and have had a strong response from applicants.


New road to Mac Point

The City of Hobart has approved with conditions an application for a new road and associated works to provide access to Macquarie Point from the Tasman Highway.

The proposed works include a southbound slip lane on the Tasman Highway, a signalised pedestrian crossing parallel to Davey Street, and stormwater upgrades.

The City will reiterate to the proponent its support for the preservation of the Northern Suburbs Rail Corridor, which is protected by the existing land Title and referenced in other planning and strategic documents.


Apartment building approved

An apartment building housing 28 units has been approved for 9 Sandy Bay Road.

A planning application proposed a combination of 10 one-bedroom apartments, 10 two-bedroom apartments and eight three-bedroom apartments, plus parking, in a six-storey building at the corner of Wilmot Street. The maximum height above ground level is 19.35 metres.

An existing apartment building will be demolished to make way for the new construction.


Committee meetings to resume

Committee meetings will resume from next month. Further details will be made available on the City of Hobart’s website.


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