Rates and charges

Information regarding the rates and charges for the 2024-25 financial year.

From 1 July 2024 the City has changed the property value it uses to calculate your rates from your Assessed Annual Value (AAV) to your Capital Value. The Capital Value of your property will be used to calculate your rates for 2024-25.

General Rate

The General Rate is 0.2917 cents in the dollar of Capital Value, varied to:

  • 0.6104 cents in the dollar of Capital Value for land used for commercial purposes
  • 0.6104 cents in the dollar of Capital Value for land used for industrial purposes
  • 0.2214 cents in the dollar of Capital Value for land used for primary production purposes
  • 0.3756 cents in the dollar of Capital Value for land used for public enterprise purposes
  • 0.2214 cents in the dollar of Capital Value for land used for residential purposes
  • 0.4428 cents in the dollar of Capital Value for land used for residential short stay visitor accommodation purposes
  • 0.2947 cents in the dollar of Capital Value for land used for sporting or recreation facilities
  • 0.2753 cents in the dollar of Capital Value for vacant land
  • 0.5506 cents in the dollar of Capital Value for vacant – residential land.

A maximum increase cap of 10% will apply to commercial and industrial properties not subject to a supplementary valuation during 2024-25.

Stormwater Removal Service Rate

The Stormwater Removal Service Rate is 0.0226 cents in the dollar of Capital Value, varied to:

  • 0.0374 cents in the dollar of Capital Value for land used for commercial purposes
  • 0.0339 cents in the dollar of Capital Value for land used for industrial purposes
  • 0.0194 cents in the dollar of Capital Value for land used for primary production purposes
  • 0.0201 cents in the dollar of Capital Value for land used for public enterprise purposes
  • 0.0187 cents in the dollar of Capital Value for land used for residential purposes
  • 0.0120 cents in the dollar of Capital Value for land used for sporting or recreation facilities
  • 0.0193 cents in the dollar of Capital Value for vacant land.

Fire Service Rate

The City is required to collect this revenue on behalf of the state government, which it passes on to the Tasmania Fire Service.

The Fire Service Rate is 0.0534 cents in the dollar of Capital Value for land within the permanent brigade rating district, varied to:

  • 0.0830 cents in the dollar of Capital Value for land used for commercial purposes
  • 0.0743 cents in the dollar of Capital Value for land used for industrial purposes
  • 0.0424 cents in the dollar of Capital Value for land used for primary production purposes
  • 0.0890 cents in the dollar of Capital Value for land used for public enterprise purposes
  • 0.0420 cents in the dollar of Capital Value for land used for residential purposes
  • 0.0236 cents in the dollar of Capital Value for land used for sporting or recreation facilities
  • 0.0416 cents in the dollar of Capital Value for vacant land
  • 0.0135 cents in the dollar of Capital Value for land within the Fern Tree volunteer brigade rating district
  • 0.0130 cents in the dollar of Capital Value for all other land in the municipal area.

The minimum fire levy is $49.

Waste Management Service Charge

The Waste Management Service Charge is $290 for residential properties and $580 for non-residential properties.

The Waste Management Service Charge includes funds for landfill rehabilitation works at McRobies Gully Waste Management Centre (the tip) that previously appeared on the Rates Notice as the Landfill Rehabilitation Service Charge.

State Government Landfill Levy Service Charge

The waste levy of $24 per household and $48 per non-residential is a State Government levy that The City of Hobart is required to collect and administer on behalf of the State Government. The levy will be used by The State Government to fund various waste management programs and projects across Tasmania.

Food Organics Garden Organics (FOGO) Collection Service Charge

Food Organics Garden Organics (FOGO) Collection Service Charge for residential properties which have received a green waste bin is $82.

If you have opted into a weekly collection service the charge is $170.

Penalty and interest

Penalty of 3% flat will be charged on unpaid instalments in accordance with section 128(1)(c) of the Local Government Act 1993 and thereafter interest at the rate of 10.14% per annum, charged monthly.

All local government rates are exempt from GST.