Elected Member Allowances and Expenses

The Local Government Act 1993 and the Local Government (General) Regulations 2015 provide for the payment of allowances and reimbursement of expenses of the office of elected members.

Specifically, the payment of the annual allowance for the office of Lord Mayor, Deputy Lord Mayor and Aldermen/Councillors is provided within the Local Government (General) Regulations 2015 with the quantum determined annually by the Office of Local Government, Department Premier and Cabinet.

Schedule 5 of the Local Government Act 1993 allows for the reimbursement of reasonable expenses incurred in the duties of office of elected members.

Elected members have a number of benefits and entitlements available in support of their roles as elected representatives of the City of Hobart. For more information, view the Elected Members' Development and Support Policy(PDF, 344KB)

The expenses shown on the attached reports are based upon when the Council pays a reimbursement to an Elected Member, not the month in which the expense are necessarily incurred. As an example where a quarterly reimbursement is sought, there would be no costs shown on the report for two months, with the full combined costs then shown in the following month in which the claim was reimbursed.

Elected Member Expenses Report - November 2023 to June 2024(PDF, 206KB)

Previous Elected Member Expenses Reports

Travel Register

For full details of costs incurred by elected members while travelling interstate and overseas on Council business, please refer to the travel register published on a quarterly basis below. The register provides details of travel undertaken including a total cost that covers airfares, accommodation, conference registration, meals and other incidental costs associated with travel.

Please note the register includes expenditure known at the end of each reporting period, and is subject to change depending upon when reimbursement claims are submitted.

Queries in relation to the information provided should be directed to the Manager Legal and Governance on 03 6238 2861 or councilsupportunit@hobartcity.com.au.

Travel Register as at 30 June 2024(PDF, 85KB)

Previous Elected Members Travel Registers