Tasmanian Planning Scheme
View the Hobart Draft Local Provisions Schedule documents and FAQs on the Hobart Draft Local Provisions Schedule page.
The Tasmanian Government amended the Land Use Planning and Approvals Act 1993 in 2015 to introduce a single state-wide planning scheme.
The Tasmanian Planning Scheme is made up of two parts:
- State Planning Provisions
- Local Provisions Schedules
These are illustrated below:

The Tasmanian Planning Scheme will replace both the Hobart Interim Planning Scheme 2015 and the Sullivans Cove Planning Scheme 1997 when it is approved.
Council endorsed the draft Hobart Local Provisions Schedule for submission to the Tasmanian Planning Commission at its meeting on 18 February 2019.
The relevant Council report and associated documents can be found on the City Planning Committee Agenda (12 February 2019) Item 8.1.
The zone and overlay maps can be downloaded below:
They can also be accessed via the City of Hobart: Proposed Tasmanian Planning Scheme Local Provisions Schedule map.
A report on some further inclusions to the Local Provisions Schedule was endorsed at the Council meeting of 9 February 2021. The relevant report and associated documents can be found on the City Planning Committee Agenda (1 February 2021) Item 8.1.
On Thursday 14 November 2019, a Post Lodgement Conference was held with the Tasmanian Planning Commission in relation to Hobart's Local Provisions Schedule. View a copy of the matters discussed on the Post Lodgement Conference agenda - 14 November 2019(PDF, 98KB).
A second Post Lodgement Conference was held with the Tasmanian Planning Commission on Tuesday 27 July 2021. View a copy of the matters discussed on the Post Lodgement Conference agenda - 27 July 2021(PDF, 107KB).
A third Post Lodgement Conference was held with the Tasmanian Planning Commission on Monday 23 May 2022. View a copy of the matters discussed on the Post Lodgement Conference agenda - 23 May 2022(PDF, 98KB).
The Tasmanian Planning Commission directed on 19 April 2023 that the Hobart draft Local Provisions Schedule be publicly exhibited, under section 35B of the Land Use Planning and Approvals Act 1993 (the Act). The Act requires the exhibition period to be 60 days (excluding public holidays). When the Hobart draft LPS is approved, the Tasmanian Planning Scheme - Hobart will replace the current Hobart Interim Planning Scheme 2015.
Current step
The exhibition of the Hobart Draft Local Provisions Schedule has finished. The written representation made by members of the public will be considered by Council and the Commission before the Local Provisions Schedule is finalised.
Learn more about the process here:
Hobart Draft Local Provisions Schedule
Further information can be found on the Tasmanian Government Planning Reform website.
Tasmanian Planning Commission Assessments can be found on the Tasmanian Planning Commission website.