Food and beverage businesses
The safety and quality of food is regulated and monitored by the Department of Health and Human Services in conjunction with local councils. Under the requirements of the Tasmanian Food Act 2003, food premises are required to be registered by their respective Local Government Authority.
The sale of food in Tasmania requires a licence, whether you have a fixed premises, a business that moves around (for example a mobile food truck) or a temporary food business.
Learn how to notify the City of Hobart, register your food business and get advice on safety and training.
Notification of a food business
All businesses selling food in Hobart are required to notify the City of Hobart.
Our Environmental Health Unit uses the details you provide in your notification to provide food safety information or assistance, follow up during food recalls, and to determine whether or not you need to register your food business.
Simply complete and submit the online food business application form below, and if you need to register your food business, we will contact you.
Apply online
A printable form is available on our forms page.
The fee for notification can be found on the fees and charges page.
To enquire about opening a home-based food business, please contact the Environmental Health Unit by email at or phone on 03 6238 2711.
Registration of a food business
To register your new food business, please complete and submit the online food business application form:
Apply online
A printable form is available on our forms page.
The fee for registration can be found on the fees and charges page.
If you are registering a food business for the first time, one of our Environmental Health Officers will inspect your premises before issuing a Certificate of Registration of a Food Business. You need the certificate before opening for business.
If you have not operated a food business before you are encouraged to complete some food handler training. Free online learning programs and translated resources can be found on our food safety training page.
Taking over an existing business
If you are purchasing an existing food business you will need to complete the online food business application form below, as Food Business Registrations are not transferable.
Apply online
A printable form is available on our forms page.
Pre-purchase inspection
You may also like to consider having a pre-purchase inspection done. This will provide you with a report of any outstanding items from previous inspections, structural or building issues, general maintenance and any operating observations.
To request a pre-purchase inspection you need to complete and submit the online form:
Apply online
A printable form is available on our forms page.
The fee for pre-purchase inspection can be found on the fees and charges page.
As part of your request the current owner/s need to provide their consent for us to give you this information. Make sure you have their consent before you make your request as it needs to be attached to the form.
Risk classification
When you apply for a food licence your business will be assigned a risk classification of low, medium or high risk. This risk classification is regularly reviewed during routine inspections.
Risk classification is based on:
- Types of food being handled and sold
- processing and handling methods
- business size
- whether your customers are from a high-risk population.
The annual fees and inspection frequency for your business are based on this classification.
Food plans assessment
The construction of a new food business or alterations to an existing food business must comply with the National Construction Code 2022 – Building Code of Australia, including, Schedule 9 Tasmania - TAS Part I4 Food Premises. Your building surveyor will need to issue a Certificate of Likely Compliance for the fit out of your food business and part of this process is for the building surveyor to obtain a report from the City's Environmental Health Officer.

Council Approval Diagrammatic Process(JPG, 1MB)
Requests for Form 49 and Form 50 Reports can now be made on the Development Portal:
Development Portal
Information to be included on Food Plans(PDF, 431KB) is a helpful document to ensure that all items that are assessed have been addressed on the plans.
Annual renewal of food registration
All registrations expire annually on 31 May. We will send you a renewal application form and fee information before the expiry date as well as one reminder.
You must pay your application fee when you lodge your completed renewal or application form.
Please note: we can not process your renewal without a completed form and fee payment.
The fee for renewal can be found on the fees and charges page.
National Food Safety Standard / Food Safety Supervisors
A new National Food Safety Standard applying in Tasmania began on 8 December 2023.
The Standard introduced new requirements for food service, catering, and retail businesses that handle unpackaged, ready-to-eat, potentially hazardous foods. It introduces three 'tools' for certain food service, caterer and retail businesses:
- food handler training requirements
- appoint a food safety supervisor(PDF, 460KB)
- record keeping of key safe food handling practices.
Further information and resources are available on the Department of Health website or by calling 1800 671 738.
Food Safety Supervisor (FSS) Training Courses
You can find information about Food Safety Supervisor (FSS) courses on the Tasmanian Department of Health website.
If you have completed training in the past 5 years, review your Statement of Attainment/certificate to see if you have already completed the required units with an RTO.