Community engagement

Community Engagement

The City of Hobart recognises that our community has a right to be meaningfully engaged in decisions which affect them. We are committed to seeking out and facilitating that engagement.

Our community is diverse. Their varied skills, experience and knowledge play a key role in shaping the future of Hobart. Effective and meaningful engagement builds positive relationships with our community and leads to better decision-making.

In making informed decisions, we take account of the views, needs, and aspirations of our community. We balance that with expert advice, budgetary needs and legislative requirements.

We are a member of the International Association of Public Participation Australasia (IAP2) and follow their professional core values and ethics when conducting community engagement.

Community Engagement Policy and Framework

The City's engagement practice is guided by the Community Engagement Policy(PDF, 127KB) and the Community Engagement Framework(PDF, 6MB).

The Policy states our commitment to community engagement, its role in good decision-making and defines the principles that guide our approach to community engagement.

The Framework outlines how we deliver on the commitments made in the Community Engagement Policy. It steps out our engagement process and establishes clear roles and responsibilities in carrying out engagement.

Implementation of the Framework and Policy are further supported by the Community Engagement Toolkit which offers a step-by-step guide for staff in delivering engagement.

Your Say Hobart

Your Say Hobart is the City's online engagement platform. It's a dedicated place to learn about project's that are shaping Hobart's future and opportunities for you to share feedback and ideas.

Join the online conversation by visiting Your Say Hobart:

Your Say Hobart