Message of thanks to Hobart’s volunteers

Published on 18 May 2020

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Physical distancing has meant the City of Hobart cannot hold its annual volunteer recognition evening, at which certificates are presented to representatives of various local volunteer organisations.

“In National Volunteers Week, we usually hold a ceremony to thank the many wonderful people in our community who give their time to help others,” Cr Reynolds said.

“Sadly, we are not able to do that this year. But our gratitude certainly remains and we want all volunteers to know that their contributions to our community are appreciated.”

The City of Hobart has been made aware of more than 9600 volunteers who contribute to the Hobart community in diverse and positive ways through at least 65 organisations.

“We also acknowledge the countless individuals who volunteer in more personal ways to assist their neighbours, their family, and others in our community in their daily lives, particularly through the present challenges,” Cr Reynolds said.

“Whether it’s checking in on your elderly neighbour, delivering food and essential items to people who are isolating, creating an engaging and happy streetscape for children, or simply providing support and a listening ear to those who need it, you are contributing more than you might realise.”

This year’s theme for National Volunteer Week is 'Changing Communities. Changing Lives'.

“That is exactly what volunteers do. We are so grateful for the thousands of residents who go out of our way to make Hobart a wonderful place to live.

"While many of our volunteers are currently unable to carry out their regular duties, it’s that ever-present willingness to help build a more compassionate and resilient community that will underpin our city’s recovery from the COVID-19 crisis."

To view the Lord Mayor's thank you to our volunteers, go to our Volunteer recognition page.