Rate Charges for Council Sporting Facilities

Meeting: Finance and Governance Committee

Meeting date: 18 February 2020

Raised by: Alderman Behrakis


  1. Does the Council have a consistent rate charged to each sport to use Council facilities?

    In answering this question, could the General Manager please also inform the Council on:

    1. Council capital expenditure towards each sport played in the municipality over the past five years;

    2. An estimate of recurrent annual Council expenditure towards each sport(including in-kind); and

    3. An estimate of Council expenditure per player by sport.

  2. Does Hobart City Council provide any funding to organisations for the delivery of school sporting programs?

    If so, could the General Manager please provide a breakdown by sport of the funding Hobart City Council has given to organisations to deliver school sporting programs over the past five years, and outline the method in which sports can access such funding?

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