The State Government and Greater Hobart Councils have been advocating for, and progressing, an expansion of the Derwent River Ferry service for many years.
The following chronology details this journey:
February 2025
Clarence City Council unanimously approves the redevelopment of the ferry terminal at Bellerive Pier.
December 2024
Hobart City Council provides approval for Lords Beach, Sandy Bay to be the location for a new passenger ferry terminal subject to the engagement with property owners in close proximity to the proposed development and the attainment of a planning permit for the use and development.
October 2024
2024 Hobart Children's Mayor, Lola Mennitz's submission advocates for a service that links both side of the river and the northern and southern suburbs complimenting Metro bus services.
June 2024
Hobart City Council provides in principle approval for the establishment of a new passenger ferry terminal at Sandy Bay, with the approval of the terminal site to be considered and agreed by the Council at a future meeting, once it has been determined.
February 2024
Tasmanian Government announces a $20 million commitment to support the expansion of the River Derwent terminal network.
January 2024
Greater Hobart Mayors call on the Tasmanian Government to deliver a $26 million ferry infrastructure package to complete the River Derwent terminal network.
January 2024
300 000 passengers have boarded a ferry since the service commenced in 2021.
November 2023
Greater Hobart Mayors welcome the release of the River Derwent Ferry Service Draft Masterplan
April 2022
Greater Hobart councils successfully advocate for $20 million as part of the Federal Election for new terminals at Lindisfarne, Sandy Bay and Wilkinsons Point.
January 2022
Announcement that the River Derwent Ferry Service trial is to continue beyond the initial 12-month trial period.
December 2021 to February 2022
City of Hobart funds free Saturday ferry service between Hobart and Bellerive as part of a COVID-19 support package for local businesses.
December 2021
Extra ferry services to support the Ashes Test.
August 2021
One-year trial commences to establish demand for a ferry service between Hobart and Bellerive.
April 2018
Hobart City Council reaffirms its support for a River Derwent ferry service.
A meeting is requested with the Minister for Infrastructure regarding the progress of the Tasmanian Government's plan for trans-Derwent ferries, initially between Bellerive and Sullivans Cove.
October 2017
Hobart City Council requests the Tasmanian Government to progress its Southern Integrated Transport Plan 2010 particularly in areas of multi-modal integrated ticketing, real time transport data and connected transport routes.
Hobart City Council seeks a commitment from STCA and particularly neighbouring councils to resource a joint study to examine the potential for development around a number of ferry centric nodes in a way that provides density (demand), attractions (visitors), amenity (cafes and other services) and links to transport, walks, etc with each having a unique and locally appropriate character.
Hobart City Council seeks a commitment, in the form of a Memorandum of Understanding, from the Tasmanian Government and neighbouring councils to jointly undertake a business case for proceeding with the most promising options for a River Derwent ferry service.
Hobart City Council commit to contribute up to $20 000 for a potential joint study on existing docking facilities and the development of ferry centric nodes and a joint business case for a River Derwent ferry service.
July 2017
Hobart City Council hosts a roundtable of stakeholders to discuss a River Derwent ferry service. SGS Economics and Planning prepared a report on the outcomes of the roundtable.
September 2016
The Council convene a roundtable of stakeholders to progress discussions on the development of a River Derwent ferry service.
May 2016
Notice of Motion lodged with Hobart City Council requesting a report investigating what information and evidence would be required to test the viability of a River Derwent ferry service.