The site is 169 to 179 Campbell Street. The substantive development is proposed on 175 to 179 Campbell Street, with 163 to 173 Campbell Street only relied on for access.
The proposal is for the retention of the brick buildings at the front of 177 and 179 Campbell Street, demolition of the building at 175 Campbell Street, and the construction of interconnected residential buildings of 31 dwellings. The buildings feature varying heights to a maximum of six storeys (25.5m maximum height). The overall development contains a basement car park level for 33 cars, commercial tenancies, a large central courtyard, five two storey townhouses, 12 two-bedroom apartments, five three-bedroom apartments and four sky homes, all with varying private open space areas.
There are associated works in the Brooker Avenue and Campbell Street road reservations, including tree removal, awning removal, and relocation of a stormwater main.

Artist impression of proposed development

Location plan of proposed development