25 Watchorn Street and 116 Bathurst Street, Hobart, and Adjacent Road Reserve, Hobart 7000 View Map
The proposal is for a 9-storey building with screened roof plant above, comprising lower ground floor/basement parking and retail, a ground level mixed use lobby with retail and office space, and additional office space across the seven floor levels above.
The building fronts both Watchorn and Bathurst Streets. Access to the basement/lower ground floor level for car and bicycle parking is provided from Watchorn Street.
External materials include concrete in various colours and textures, clear and obscure glazing, metal balustrades, aluminium louvres and timber battens.
Vegetative planting to the side of the Bathurst Street entry, and planting around terraces on Level 2, 4, 5 and 6 is also included.
The proposal also involves the consolidation of the eight separate titles known as 25 Watchorn Street over which the building is proposed to be built. The proposal involves the adjacent 116 Bathurst Street property for alterations to existing sewer infrastructure. Works within the adjacent road reserve include awnings along Watchorn Street, the extension of a crossover, reinstatement of kerb and footpath where six existing crossovers would become redundant, the provision of four additional on street parking spaces, and associated service connections.
Existing street trees will be retained.
The planning application can be viewed on PlanBuild:

Artist impression of proposed development

Location plan of proposed development