Alternative weed control methods

Alternative weed control methods used to effectively control the growth of weeds

Manual control

Manual control is the use of the hands or handheld tools to deal with weeds. An advantage of manual control is that it minimizes soil disturbance.

Environmental management

Environmental management aims to alter the conditions required by a particular weed. Example of this may include steam or oil treatments. Some weeds require certain moisture and nutrient levels, and by altering these levels the weed becomes disadvantaged.

Mechanical control

Mechanical control is the use of machinery to manage weeds. It is suitable for larger infestations because it reduces the weed bulk with less manual effort. Care should be taken to minimize spread.

Chemical control

Chemical control involves the use of herbicides. Herbicides control weed plants by either stopping or changing the plant's normal growth patterns, this is achieved by drying out the leaves or stems or by defoliating the plant.

Code of Practice for Spraying in Public Places

The Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment has prescribed the Code of Practice for Spraying in Public Places.

Section 26 of the Code, outlines the following:

Property owners who request the Council to desist from spraying in front of their properties on public land must prepare a proposed pest control plan detailing how they intend to control the problem themselves. The plan must be approved by the Council and carried out in a timely manner. If the issue is not dealt with satisfactorily, the Council may resume responsibility for the maintenance of the land using chemical products if necessary.

The City’s No Spray Register is established in accordance with Section 26.