Procurement Strategy

Procurement has a key role to play in ensuring that the Council continues to deliver high quality services to our residents, supporting the local economy and providing opportunities for businesses to easily and intuitively engage with the Council.

The aim of the Procurement Strategy is to ensure the City of Hobart's procurement activities are compliant with the law and undertaken with the City's policy framework, efficiently and economically whilst realising the economic, social and environmental benefits for the City and its communities, aligning with the strategic objectives of the City of Hobart Capital City Strategic Plan 2019–29.

The current post pandemic economic climate, climate risks, global and local supply chain issues bring challenges to both the public and private sectors. This means as a Council we need to use our spending power wisely and strategically to ensure that we support the economic, social and environmental needs of our community.

The Procurement Strategy includes an action plan for the future, which will be monitored and reported against annually to the community.

Procurement Strategy - 2023-27(PDF, 3MB)

Performance Report

As of 30 June 2024, the implementation of the 2023-27 Action Plan has seen the commencement of 76% of actions with 30% of those complete.

More information can be found in the Performance Report.

Procurement Strategy Performance Report - 30 June 2024(PDF, 334KB)