The proposal is for the demolition of the existing building on site and construction of a residential apartment complex comprising of 55 dwellings with a ground floor café at the street frontage and a large commercial tenancy space suitable for a variety of uses.
The development features a grouping of building forms, with two street fronting podiums and two larger, setback elements with maximum height of 30m with an additional protrusion for the lift overrun. The buildings range from five to nine above ground levels with three levels of basement car parking containing 59 spaces as well as motorbike spaces and bicycle storage.
The development includes a public accessible laneway adjoining the commercial tenancies that will facilitate the potential for a future pedestrian link to Bathurst Street. A section of the proposed development will encroach onto the land of 127 Bathurst Street however this will be addressed by a separate application for a boundary adjustment. There is also associated infrastructure and road reservation works proposed within Melville Street.

Artist impression of proposed development

Location plan of proposed development