Clean Up kunanyi/Mt Wellington

Next date: Saturday, 22 February 2025 | 10:00 AM to 01:00 PM

People cleaning up rubbish on kunanyi/Mt Wellington

Due to wind, this event has been postponed to the following Saturday (22 February).

City of Hobart Bushcare will hold a special Clean Up kunanyi/Mt Wellington event.

Most of our iconic mountain bushland is pristine and rubbish free, but the top of the mountain has a unique challenge. The wind whisks rubbish out of cars, hands, pockets and backpacks and deposits it in nooks, bushes, and rock crevices around the summit.

Last year we removed 85kg of rubbish from the mountain top! We sort everything into reusables, recyclables and rubbish.

So please come and help us keep our mountain beautiful and wild and enjoy the best view in Tasmania.

Please come prepared with warm clothes, a hat and closed shoes as the top of the mountain can get cold and windy.

Rubbish grabbers and gloves will be provided.

The summit car park can get busy, so you might like to car pool. 

Meeting Point

Bushcare Team Leaders will have registration tables set up in the viewing shelter on the summit of kunanyi/Mt Wellington, which is accessed by driving to the very top of Pinnacle Road.

There will be signage and the team leaders will be wearing City of Hobart high-vis uniform with Bushcare name tags so that you won't miss us.

There will be a no-go zone and it is important that all volunteers have a site briefing and register before starting.


  • Saturday, 22 February 2025 | 10:00 AM - 01:00 PM


kunanyi/Mt Wellington pinnacle car park, kunanyi / Mt Wellington, 7054, View Map

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