Past events
Antarctic Season Opening 2024-25

Our annual Reception to celebrate the start of the Antarctic Season has become an important feature of the sector's social calendar, providing all the people involved a unique opportunity to come together to acknowledge the important role they have.
At the event we are always proud to welcome the many expeditioners who are due to depart on the first voyage of the season, usually within days of the event.
We also celebrate the key organisations, businesses, and supporters of the sector who are behind so much of the activities within our city that contribute to Australia been able to undertake these activities, and having such a leading role in Antarctic matters world-wide.
All these people are part of a critically important sector, contributing to both the local and international communities with their science and research, their participation in global governance, their technical skills and experiences and their unique and innovative products that support Antarctic projects.
City of Hobart is proud to see all the activities that occur within our Antarctic Gateway City which supports both Australia's, but also many other nations, Antarctic programs.
Australia Antarctic Festival 2024

The Australian's Antarctic Festival was held from 22 to 25 August 2024 at various locations across Hobart's waterfront. The Mawson's Hut Foundation does an amazing job of bringing together our Antarctic sector to showcase the scale and significance of our world leading Antarctic capabilities.
Over 20 000 students and families came along to experience this magical place from afar, discovering the incredible research and science we do in Hobart and learning how many global partnerships we have that help our researchers and expeditioners do their important work in the Southern Ocean and on the ice.
As a proud gateway city, we were a major partner of this free community festival. This year we supported a special screening of family favourite ‘Happy Feet’ and had an Antarctic Gateway Cities Scavenger Hunt running across the entire festival.
The next festival will be held in 2026.
Supporting inaugural visit by RV Polarstern
For the first time ever the German icebreaker the RV Polarstern is visited Hobart. While here, the ship's owners, the Alfred Wegener Institute, held a public exhibition from 3-4 February 2024 at the Waterside Pavilion to highlight the inaugural port call, highlighting the ship's research and science capabilities and programs, as well as a photography exhibition.
Following the exhibition, the German Embassy in Canberra hosted a Climate Talk at the Waterside Pavilion on 5 February. The focus of the talk is 'Has the Antarctic reached its tipping point? The global effects of melting ice in the wake of climate change', and this will be the first in a series of Climate Talks the German Embassy will be delivering across Australia.
As a welcoming Antarctic Gateway City, City of Hobart proudly assisted in the on-ground organising and promotion of the public exhibition and talk, in collaboration with Antarctica Tasmania, Department of State Growth.
Antarctic Day Conference 2023: Public Engagement with Antarctic: Connections from Afar
In recognition of the importance of public engagement in our Antarctic Gateway, City of Hobart partnered with UTAS to deliver this year's Antarctica Day conference, Public Engagement with Antarctica: Connections from Afar.
Speakers presented on a fascinating range of topics, including Antarctica at Home; Indigenous Perspectives; Engaging Science, Engaging Arts; and Antarctica Then and Now: Curating Antarctic Stories.
The afternoon workshops focused on two questions: what does Antarctic engagement mean in Hobart, and how can we forge connections into the future?
This was followed by an international panel discussion, More than Just Penguins? Bringing Antarctica alive for people back home, sharing the diverse successes, obstacles and opportunities related to connecting with a place that most of us will never visit.
Antarctica Day 2023 Conference Report(PDF, 2MB)
Antarctic Day is celebrated international each year on 1 December in recognition of the signing of the Antarctic Treaty.
Antarctic Season Opening 2023-24
The City of Hobart hosted a reception on Tuesday, 3 October 2023 at the Waterside Pavilion to celebrate the start of the 2023-24 Antarctic season. Over 120 people representing the sector attended, including many expeditioners who were days aways from heading south. Mrs Hanna Pappalardo, Consul General of Italy based in Melbourne attended as guest speaker.
The City of Hobart is excited by the opportunities to engage with so many international programs this season with the Port of Hobart hosting several icebreakers including from France, Italy, Germany and China, in addition to Australia's RSV Nuyina.
At the Reception we recognised the expertise and experiences of the Australian sector. We also acknowledged that this season will be the greatest opportunity in recent years for the city to strengthen our role as an Antarctic leader and showcase local products, capabilities, and services to customers of Hobart's Antarctic Gateway.
COMNAP Conference | Hobart 2023
The 2023 Search & Rescue Workshop, AGM and Symposium for the Council of Managers of National Antarctic Programs (COMNAP) was held at the Hotel Grand Chancellor in Hobart from 23 - 29 June.
Member programs are organisations that have responsibility for delivering and supporting scientific research in the Antarctic Treaty Area on behalf of their respective governments and in the spirit of the Antarctic Treaty.
This was an opportunity to promote Hobart's gateway role and strengthen relationships through engaging with conference delegates.
City of Hobart had Antarctic Gateway banners up around the city and outside Town Hall while the conference is on, support on the Tasmanian trade stand and participated in meetings with key stakeholders and delegates.
The Lord Mayor hosted a Reception for key sector representatives and delegates representing other Antarctic Gateway Cites to promote our desire for collaboration.